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Market Access to China
House a NUS spin-off company in STI Nanjing
Introduce clients for kicking off the China market in the first year of incorporation
Design the business model and bring in the startegic investor for boosting the China market
Collaborate with World Top 100 Universities
Tech transfer and investment partner of world top 100 universities in Singapore and Israel
Technology licensing
Pre-seed investment in startups
Innovation & entrepreneurship training
Fund Raising
Completed two rounds of investment with total amount of 20 million USD within 12 months for a diagnostic company in Singapore
New Venture Creation
Set up new ventures in China and Singpore
Licensing the technologies from the university and set up a precise medical company in China with the fist round of investment of 12 million SGD
Partner with a Japanese startup and set up a new venture in Singapore, licensing and commercializing the surface treatment technologies for automotive and green buildings.